A humane society based on genuine and authentic respect for human life and human dignity.
To promote and defend the right to life for every person, to include the unborn, aged, handicapped and terminally ill; also to defend natural marriage between a man and woman, and the family.
Goals and objectives:
To promote, protect and defend human life from fertilization until natural death, particularly the unborn and newborn
To teach about the sanctity and dignity of marriage and the family
To defend and teach natural methods of child spacing
To campaign against abortion and its legalisation
To educate the public on the moral, psychological and health hazards caused by abortion, contraceptives and euthanasia for regulating birth and population
To propagate the ideals of human dignity, respect and true human development
To promote education on chastity and the meaning and truth of human sexuality
To campaign against prostitution and instiutionalisation of fornication through the use of condoms and other devices
To campaign against forces that promote false ideals about human sexuality, reproductive health, sexual health and to fight against free sex campaigns and advocacy
To campaign against drug abuse and other vices such as homosexuality, lesbianism, child abuse, sexual harassment, and violence
To provide counseling services to members of the public
To cooperate with Human Life International and other such bodies in all aspects that directly deal with pro-life