Pro-Life Tanzania is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, focused on the protection and defense of human life, marriage and family. Our activities are conducted with the view that man is created in the image of God, creator of all mankind. Pro-Life Tanzania works under the guidance and theological foundations of the Roman Catholic Church.
Founded on July 22, 1994 Pro-Life Tanzania became affiliated with Human Life International (HLI), in 1997. Based in Virginia, U.S.A. HLI's mission is the promotion of life, family and faith throughout the world, according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Its goal is to create opposition to the culture of death through prayer and education. Human Life International is present in more than 100 countries.
Pro-life Tanzania carries out its objectives through prayer, public campaigns, petitions, seminars, workshops ad symposia; the use of media such as newspapers, radio, video and TV; civil and criminal proceedings; informal, and personal contacts and representation; publication of books, leaflets, flyers, pamphlets and placards and peaceful demonstrations.
Open to any person who is willing to abide by the goals and objectives of this organization
Payment of TSH. 1,000/= as registration and TSH. 12,000/= as annual subscription
In fulfilling our task of promoting the culture of life, we cooperate and collaborate with all organisations and institutions that share our vision within and outside of the country. We work closely with the Tanzania Episcopal Conference, [through the Secretary General and the Executive Secretary of the Lay Apostolate Department] and Dioceses in carrying out our mission and fulfilling our vision. We also work with other Christian denominations and religions in areas where such cooperation is deemed important and necessary. We cooperate with the government in all aspects that deal with protection, defense and promotion of human life, marriage and family. Whenever possible, we cooperate with civil and secular NGO's on matters of common concern, provided that our cooperation does not jeopardise our mission.